The Kings of the New World – OUT NOW on Amazon

The Rhythms of Greedom

The Kings of the New World – OUT NOW on Amazon


Rafa grew up in his twin sister’s shadow in the desert-trading hub of Old Gola. He could hold his own, he had his own talents too, but she always seemed to make the smarter moves. However, their lives were intertwined, they came as a pair and their bond had proven unbreakable many times over.

Rafa excelled in the art of hacking computer systems. From a young age he became sufficient at stealing information and selling it on to the highest bidder. Eventually he drew too much attention to his activity and was branded via a bounty being placed upon his head. His sister stepped in and placed her own life on the line by agreeing to partake in her own sinister activities.

Rafa applied his skills to more practical use and became a keen inventor, seeing potential in the many scrap materials found in the trading environment. Selling his contraptions didn’t make him as much money as before, but it saved him from looking over his shoulder a little less.

Rafa is now part of Dillan’s resistance, fighting for a cause that could save others from living a childhood like his. The inventions he makes are now focused on supporting his fellow crew on and off the battlefield.

He is a Desert Walker, an assassin of the Scratch and he is going to put an end to this rhythm of greedom that stole his childhood from him.

Fighting for the Falco Resistance.

  • Role Inventor, hacker, scout, sniper

  • For Falco Resistance

  • Date Old Gola, 31st August, 314 P.B.

  • Type Desert Walker

  • Cranial Chips Occipital Core, Parietal Core

  • Weapon Of Choice Sniper rifle, Snake-bots

  • Augmentations Internal Stability Lace, Nano-Lacing Limb Struts

Up Next:

Princess Danji Rose Gregor