The Kings of the New World – OUT NOW on Amazon

The Rhythms of Greedom

The Kings of the New World – OUT NOW on Amazon

The Kings of the New World - OUT NOW on Amazon

by Vin Wignall,

"Rich in characters, settings and story lines. Vin has built an impressive and complex world in his dystopian Game of Thrones." -Alison King

The Fall of Man all but wiped out the human race. It fractured civilisation and decimated society. It burnt the earth, wiped out species and poisoned everything. However, man proved resilient in the face of extinction, their greed for status and hunger for power proved valuable traits in reforming structure in a dark world of ruin and chaos.

Corporations became sanctuaries to their own employees. The technology and medically focused thrived especially. Several became metropolises themselves, becoming self-sustained even if poverty was still rife within. Few rules now hindered the exploration and experimentation of science. Each had their own special vein of focus, some being augmentation, others being weaponry. A small minority even yearned to make the world a better place.

One company in particular figured out how to cleanse the earth. They promised to create a new fertile land with clean air and drinkable water. Several large companies joined forces and started the long process of reclaiming the land.

Three centuries later the same allied companies rule the new world together. Granting themselves royal status and controlling science for their own benefit. The world quickly retreated back into its old ways. The new world exploited the old, once again increasing the gap between rich and poor. The old world would eagerly live off the scraps from the new. Yet they never receive enough to progress by them self.

There are some people who want to put an end to this rhythm of greedom. An estranged prince, a disobedient godfather and a children’s tale with an ordain power are amongst the few trying in their own ways. Have the kings of the new world become complacent in their extended old age or can they maintain their cruel grip on society.